Guest User Guest User

Taste or Health? (Part 3)

Despite being aware of the long-term health consequences of eating fast food regularly, we still experience a ‘brain fog’ while choosing a meal from the elaborate menu at a fast-food restaurant. We overlook the salads and ultimately end up buying a calorie-dense takeaway meal. Why does it happen?

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Guest User Guest User

Taste or Health? (Part 2)

Have you been to a supermarket or restaurant lately? What was the recent ‘food/drink’ advertisement you watched? I bet it was tempting, right? Believe me, every time I visit a restaurant or supermarket, my inner child urges me to grab and pop some of them in my mouth. Anyone can fall for them - you too?

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Guest User Guest User

Taste or Health? (Part 1)

Have you ever wondered why we feel so energetic and satiated after nibbling on a plate full of green veggies (or a bowl of colorful fruits)? And, on the contrary, why do we experience fatigue, drowsiness, and lethargy after gobbling down a cheesy hamburger?

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Carol Manetta Carol Manetta

Humans Defacing Earth

It came to pass that humans on this planet had a need for architecture. With that in mind we see that housing for protection from the wild has been needed for millennia. As soon as humans came to rely on natural habitats, such as caves and even small curves in mountainsides, gathered that safe places could be made from natural resources…

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Carol Manetta Carol Manetta

What’s Needed to Repair Earth

For now, think of the kinds of ways people can tackle Earth’s biggest problems. First of all, there is the rain and the lack of it in some regions, and way too much of it in others. Imbalance. How do we stay focused on the ways to mitigate the imbalance of rain where we live and in other regions of the world?

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Carol Manetta Carol Manetta

Today’s Earth Situation

From this moment on we have no choice but to consider Earth’s situation as has been reported around the world by qualified scientists. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how we got to this climate emergency situation.

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Carol Manetta Carol Manetta

Going Home

Let it be said that once upon a time there were no people on Earth. Instead, there were oceans and mountains and only tiny little microbes that were the start of life on this planet. Let’s go back to that time to see the pristine nature of water…

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Carol Manetta Carol Manetta

How Our Microbiome Makes Us Overweight

Just this morning I was wondering exactly how all that works. Instead of drinking a cup of coffee with cream and sugar in it, and downing a breakfast cake or donut, I chose fruit and seeds and toast covered with real vanilla unsweetened yogurt. This combination was, in my opinion, better for my body overall and I needed to find out why…

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Carol Manetta Carol Manetta

Canadian Permaculture Legacy (Part 2)

Monoculture production has been the norm for centuries, and now scientists understand the reason nutrition has been lowered systematically over many decades, even centuries.

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Carol Manetta Carol Manetta

Canadian Permaculture Legacy (Part 1)

Just when you thought it was safe to eat anything from a supermarket. Once and for all, think again! If you cherish your health, turn to the best of permaculture foods, and away from annual crops that are destroying our planet.

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Carol Manetta Carol Manetta

Food Forest Botanical Signs?

Food forest botanical gardens… do they even exist? Yes! But how do we recognize what each plant is in any botanical garden? How do we make that information useful? String along with us for a moment to make sure we have this covered correctly for YOU.

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Carol Manetta Carol Manetta

Bionutrient Institute x Reap Goodness: Our Good Work on the Heartland Trial

The Bionutrient Institute and its cohort, the Bionutrient Food Association, have consented to connect with Reap Goodness for both soil and plant testing during our Heartland Trial. The Bionutrient Institute team is a global collection of scientists, technicians, engineers, organizers, and others working toward their collective goal of supporting a nutrient dense food system for all.

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Carol Manetta Carol Manetta

Let’s get together

No, seriously. It takes far fewer people getting together than imagined to accomplish the seemingly impossible, especially related to this tiny planet of ours.

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Carol Manetta Carol Manetta


What exactly is it? Does it mean not loose? Does it mean just one lump of the same material? Or does it mean getting together to accomplish a positive goal with all in agreement as equals?

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Carol Manetta Carol Manetta

It’s time!

We can pull together to mitigate the negative news that the planet is heating up with no end in sight. There are proven attempts to cool off the soil by covering it with a wide variety of plants, in differing heights and uses. These plants are waiting to be born. Without them we are doomed, and with them we thrive. So, what are we waiting for?

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Carol Manetta Carol Manetta

Food Forests – What Are They?

This may surprise you, but most people have no idea what a food forest is. It’s even difficult to find a picture of one on public image sites. Yet the world needs them NOW.

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