Worker Cooperative People Skills

This training e-book can be used as a reference long-term. It was inspired by listening to people who already work in cooperatives who expressed that they have a really hard time understanding how to navigate decision-making together in a variety of situations. Here is a peek into the chapters and the helpful information the book contains:

Module 1: Beginning - An Introduction to this training on worker owned cooperatives

Module 2: Development - How to begin the development of a cooperatively owned business; definitions to live by

Module 3: Sanctity - Preparing to work side by side with equals for the long term

Module 4: Worker Alliance - Forming relationships with others for the sake of unity

Module 5: Justification for Leadership - Forging alliances with natural leaders; how to recognize them

Module 6: Feedback - Listening for equal input and subsequent treatment

Module 7: Improvements - Assessing what’s wrong, righting with internal feedback and setting a new course 

Module 8: Change of Direction When Necessary - Preparing for change, implementing agreed-upon changes, and assessing the outcomes fairly 

Module 9: Rewards - How to find the right rewards for good work done, bringing the rewards into the limelight, and supporting those whose rewards will come later 

Module 10: Ownership Transfer - Preparing to suspend operations, continuance with another owner, leaving at the right time for all concerned 

Module 11: Leaving the Company - Individual compensation at time of departure, going it alone into another situation with ease, support from former work mates/owners

Module 12: Community Involvement and Rewards - Applying harmony from the workplace into the community to create kinship, economic sharing, and wealth creation outside the cooperative  

Module 13: Nation Building/Support Overseas - Supporting other nations with knowledge, prosperity creation and ongoing support to spread wealth through cooperative businesses 

Module 14: Trial by Error - Learning through trials and educating as to harmony instead of rancor, using lessons learned to create new relationships in businesses surrounding the initial cooperative, development of the Mondragon model anywhere in the world 

Module 15: National Kinship in Washington, DC and Other Capitals - Using model legislation for development of cooperatives nationally and in other capitals, developing relationships based on honor with legislators and diplomats 

Module 16: Partnering and Its Drawbacks and Rewards - Developing partnerships in stages and keeping only such partnerships that exist for mutual gain in the community and in the economy 

Module 17: Dissolution upon Request by All - Ending a quality relationship in business and in the community or partnerships, allowing endings to ensure more harmony after departure, how to end gracefully for the sake of all

This e-book is conveniently available to you from a variety of sources. Just look at the list of well-known sources as well as many independent sources you may not have heard of before.

Here’s another opportunity! Some community libraries (in over 20 countries) have these e-books available for a time if you have a library card.
