Climate Adaptation by Visioning
Every endeavor begins with a vision. Visions show us in our minds the optimum outcomes we wish for.
Here are the visions we can see together for this renewed Earth that we are creating.
Together, we can ensure food stabilization and clean water for all, while restoring ecosystems to their natural health.
In this article, we will go into details on how to quickly accomplish these goals, and ensure sustainability for generations to come.
Climate Change Solutions Begin
This generation of people and other beings on Earth is ready for radical change, including those going extinct.
The notion of rectifying what others have done historically is not new. Instead, for the first time in recent history, the forces that damaged and continue to damage are outnumbered.
Our charge is to develop visions, so people can picture the outcomes, understand what they are working toward, and have a clear path to achieving them.
Let’s begin.
1. Cleaning Earth
Embellishment of the Earth
We see, clearly see, a New Earth. One filled with vigor. Tenacious to grow.
We see this New Earth able to provide for all her beings, tiny and big.
We clearly envision the skies clean of all remnants of manufacturing pollution.
Together we see indigenous peoples leading the way to harmonize all elements of the Earth in all directions. We see them joining with travelers from other lands whose settlement has harmed the lands and the seas.
2. Community Solutions
Forging Forces
We envision these forces, indigenous or otherwise, joining hands across oceans and lands to build a fortress of technology and cumulative intelligence, with love as the basis.
We see people working side-by-side, carrying out systematic overhauls, whatever their belief systems or religious beliefs.
We see that governments in all lands are now following the people who have joined together to systematically reactivate the farming systems of ancient inhabitants before modern time.
We note with love that laws have been put into place to constitutionally support these new practices on land and sea.
3. New Trees for All
Triage of Trees
We see the swaying of tree branches in places where there are none at this time. Trees that are sick are lovingly removed, blessed, and disposed of in ways that are not harmful to the surrounding land or atmosphere.
We see new growth harvested from healthy trees being planted in parts of the world where they thrive. We see planters recruited from around the world creating new forests from these new growths.
We see the planting of food bearing trees taking top priority in developing the New Earth.
We see new development from grafting techniques loving applied to sturdy trees, so that ancient trees can benefit newer varieties with their DNA grafted onto them for stability and harmony.
We envision groves of indigenous trees interspersed with new plantings that are compatible for mutual health and flourishing.
4. Soil and Water
Systematic Earth Moving
We see many people excitedly discussing about adding microbes and composts to earth that have been temporarily disrupted by the building of swales and other water catchment systems.
We see the beginnings of soil regeneration, done in harmony with degraded land, so that existing microbes and other small creatures merge with new microbes that are helpful and in harmony with the soils around the Earth.
We see people honoring Earth by asking for her permission before Earth cutting, for the Earth is a living being, just like those who do the cutting.
We joyfully envision people forming intentional groups that are dedicated to this task of Earth cutting for water retention, which serves multiple purposes, including that of ensuring wild animals do not die of thirst in their natural habitats.
5. Reforestation Together
Matching of Trees to the Earth Beneath Them
We see and feel the joy in the planting of trees that are meant to be located in their native habitat, with acoustics from local animals and birds that are critical for their survival. These trees yearn to be home again.
We see native trees matched with regions where they thrive as a sign of success for their survival.
We see and feel the caresses of humans to the small branches and seedlings being a vital birthing process for these trees of love, as humans lovingly and carefully put seedlings into the ground, as they take small twigs from one tree and graft them to another tree.
We envision the soil beneath the trees responding to the growth of their roots, supplying new life forms and ancient ones with nutrients to assist with the success of their beloved brother or sister – the tree.
We rejoice together to see the growth of new leaves on recently planted trees, calling to other wild beings to nestle among them and hear their songs. It is what they hear that results in both of their successes – this intercultural harmony.
(Apparently the sounds of nature are critical to all life forms. This is being studied. For instance, it has been known for about 100 years that the sound of birds chirping in the early morning is what opens up the stomata - pores - on the bottom of leaves and allows in the dew, atmospheric elements and airborne healthy microbes, vital to the life of trees and other plants. Apparently all living beings benefit from the sounds of nature in the development of all their tissues!)
We envision the strengths of a new tree coming through its root system from its harmony with Earth, and from its interconnecting with other trees that are also planted in this harmonious Earth.
6. Food for People and Animals
Food Forestry Reclaimed
As in ancient times, food forests are nourishing trees and other plants throughout the year. (This is due to dropping of leaves as they eventually break down and the nutrients contained have originally been pulled from the soil, as well as their shared microbes.)
We see gentle foraging by humans and other animals.
We see harvesting of foods harmonious with our health from many different kinds of food trees for the health of the entire planet. (This is to open thinking about the variety of new food trees and the resulting expansion of nutrition. The current food companies have narrowed our nutrition from trees for expediency and profit.)
We join with nature as we see ourselves standing in the midst of an immensely abundant food forest. When we see the abundance in food forestry, we see the future not with trepidation, but with harmony at the core. We no longer fear food shortages.
We tap into the resources of Mother Earth, seeing this abundance as a gift, grateful for life on Earth. We envision sharing the fruits, nuts, herbs, vegetables, mushrooms with others also grateful to receive them.
We gain trust through sharing this knowledge and harvests with others in need, thereby bringing an end to wars over territories.
We see the techniques of food forestry being taught in university classrooms to primary schools, and their efficiency further enhanced in ways that are harmonious with nature.
7. All Roads Can Lead to Food
Development of Roads Leading to Food Forests
We see earthmovers building swales by leveling roadworks and depositing useful soil to develop water catchment systems.
We see old roadways reclaimed, their water ditches on both sides refined to serve as a space to grow food.
We see potential food production like this along all roads everywhere on Earth.
We see people stepping off existing roads onto easily accessible byways inside food forests that honor the natural curves and slopes of Mother Earth.
We see new roads created by binding microorganisms together to create brick hard surfaces, yet allowing water to penetrate beneath them so microbes can grow and decontaminate all soils under and around them.
We see bioremediation of current blacktop surfaces by replacing them with the new, natural surfaces of roads. (The microorganisms have hard shells like snails that bind together to make bricks. By using those bricks after removing the blacktop, the area is decontaminated.)
We see unused roadways now converted to runways for small aircrafts and other modes of transportation such as helicopters, large drones, and soon flying cars. Reclaiming unused road space is allowing more space for food production and wildlife sanctuaries.
8. Rainwater Harvesting
Water Catchment in All Categories
Together we see forces coming together in a large-scale attempt to capture as much fresh water as possible through rain harvesting.
We envision large-scale operations, capturing water from roofs and other structures, storing this water in underground cisterns made of rock.
We see the development of offshore water catchment used to grow shoreline food forests that will create more inland rain and restore the soil.
We see rainwater harvesting being redirected to many wild animal sanctuary spaces in order to help endangered species thrive again.
We see water catchment completely and safely developed for burial of human excretion in cities, towns, and countryside to safely use as fertilizer and for development of microorganisms used for roadway development.
Costly preparations are unnecessary, even in deserts. We see Earth-friendly filtration systems built to capture rain, before waters join each other in streams and rivers. They are made from charcoal, small rocks, and sand. A thin layer of microbes form at the top of these filters, cleaning the water even before the water flows further down. The filters don’t have to be cleaned for many months. And the materials can be reused for a period of time.
9. Circular Economy Action
Rummage of Rubbish
We see cities and small towns developing plans to recycle waste, even among citizens of small villages.
We see schools training students to reuse previously discarded materials in very creative ways, even art forms.
Together we envision the dignity of rubbish, as it has origins from Mother Earth. We respect the original intention of discarded goods and see their potential in the circular economy, with clean and beneficial uses around the world.
We envision new jobs for rubbish recyclers who are safety-trained, well-respected, and well-paid by governments worldwide that understand this economic value.
We see the recycling of materials as threefold, that which:
Is immediately reusable;
Can be transformed into a usable form, chemically and otherwise;
Can be transplanted into the ground as fertilizer with microorganisms as the host.
10. Remediation of Dangerous Chemicals
Toxic Wastes Revisited
Together we see schools teaching the history of toxic waste, followed immediately by teaching how to remedy toxic waste, alleviating fears of toxicity and its harms to all life on the planet.
We envision people feeling excited about replenishing Earth as a toxin free environment.
We clearly see an Earth that is free of toxicity because of the vigilance of highly respected individuals who clean the planet in a safe manner in order to improve life for all.
We see excitement about the conversion of toxic materials by qualified chemists, who dismantle and recharge the energies of toxins for positive and healthy uses. This requires more thought in the future.
We join together to see and marvel at the new uses of chemicals once toxic to the environment, but now providing healthcare for animals that were once stressed by their toxic presence. We rejoice in this.
Together we envision the reuse of toxic wastes in beneficial ways as a high priority among governments big and small, forging new territory and excitement among universities, private laboratories, and government facilities to take care of Earth.
11. Nations Reforming Nature Together
Solutions and Gathering
We see peaceful solutions developing as groups work together to ensure well-being for the whole of society. No longer does profit go only to the few.
We see large groups gathering in conferences online to develop solutions in various areas for the well-being of Earth.
We see systematic overhauls in universities as they develop relationships with private social enterprises, nonprofit organizations to create solutions.
We see formerly large corporations now dividing themselves into smaller businesses in order to find solutions and apply them.
We see systems that are suspicious for harming nations and Earth being held accountable, and are now creating solutions for harm they have already done.
We see detailed plans for repairing Earth already implemented.
We see data clearly showing the success of solutions that nature developed eons ago, such as cleansing water with specific plants and replenishing soil.
We see these natural solutions celebrated and are common practices on Earth now.
12. Education in a New Way
Conclusions for School Curricula and More
Together we envision school curricula already developed by people from all cultures around the world, showing in detail how to repair Earth.
We clearly see the planet’s star-scapes and their energy as an integral part of Earth’s reparation process. This is energy that school children naturally understand.
We see a fully developed curriculum related to Earth repair in age-specific textbooks and in all languages, starting with kindergarten. We see school children embracing and accessing this knowledge from books, social media, television, and other platforms they currently use.
We see teachers responding enthusiastically to the questions that children raise about their future and its pleasant outcomes.
We see the reputation of universities increasing in proportion to how well they embrace the ideas taught in the new K-12 curricula.
We join together in envisioning and embracing the outcomes of new graduates who, inspired by their education, are ready to choose a cooperative of their interest, to continue repairing Earth.
We only see a positive future for humanity on this planet of love due to the advanced education that students receive through school in every nation on Earth.
13. People, Animals and Earth Working Together
Vistavision Panorama of Virtue
We see gatherings of individuals, once mortal enemies, now comrades in arms for protection of one another as equals. We envision the construction of new landscapes, new forests, shorelines as peaceful means for people to work arm in arm, no longer divided, but united, as is clearly wanted by all individuals.
We see reconstruction of planet Earth and food security for all beings as the most respected of activities.
We see clearly the panoramic view of all countrysides as vibrant landscapes permanently planted for the restoration of all lands once harmed by mining, farming, animal agriculture, and manufacturing.
Together we see the harmony created through virtuous co-directorship of this Earth reparation.
We envision clearly the oceans joining forces with the land by giving up their moisture in evaporation to form healthy clouds filled with clean, clear waters beneficial to all life on land.
We see similar reparation of waterways on land giving freely of themselves, carrying water filled with minerals that replenish the sea and help the plants and animals there.
We see the birds as sentinels of cloud formations doing their best to redirect water vapors toward each other with their wings to create clouds where they are needed, for their brethren on land, the trees.
We see the fish swimming nakedly for the shoreline to deposit eggs in vast numbers, confident the loving Earth and the waters near shores are hospitable for their young.
We gaze in our hearts at the vast number of wildflowers and tree blossoms, existing in all their dignity, ready to bear fruit for all life.
We see the children facing their future with the confidence that they will live a healthy, long life with and for nature as a loving force, supportive in all ways.
14. Legal Means for Earth Restoration
Enactment of Laws for World Peace Forged by Farmers
We see Earth’s farmers joining together in city halls and town gatherings to share virtuous ideas to put down into words in local jurisdictions around the planet.
We see excitement in the development of new laws that support Earth.
We join together to envision enactment of laws by farmers that support farmers and equally support all life on their farms through regenerative farming.
Together we see the creativity of newly developed laws set in stone, so to speak, as jurisdictions far and wide embrace food forestry and clean waters as the birthright of all beings on planet Earth.
We envision together a new Earth filled with peaceful means of retracting old historical hurts by joining under legal provisions for the restoration of waterways and lands where once there were wars.
We envision treaties created among the Native Peoples to share across their borders ancient knowledge that is now forged into modernized laws worldwide.
Together we see these modernized laws as being acceptable to all those who grow food, protect animals, and develop seeds of grace that enhance life for the future of humanity and all living beings on Earth.
We see lawmakers and representatives in government embracing these laws, being fair in their treatment for all humans, including those who might want to intentionally harm the earth.
15. How to Plan Together
Getting Started in a Detailed Way
We see small groups of dedicated people, filled with hope, already formed to change Earth’s topography to a vibrant one, with detailed plans to do so.
We see congressional jurisdictions now working on Earth’s betterment since discussions have completed, and details of the plans are protected by new laws.
Together we see important, detailed training on how to form and teach coordinated cooperatives the process of Earth repair.
We see harmonious, detailed plans for a starting date to implement plans.
Together we see detailed plans for seasonal harvests on reclaimed lands, starting with the first year of planting.
We see regenerated lands designated as animal sanctuaries in formerly degraded lands, and the details made public for the world to support.
We see detailed instructions for forming and operating coordinated cooperatives televised online, in mainstream media, and in documentaries, leading to instructional ebooks and more.
We envision these details already translated into 30 lovely languages for adoption by waiting participants worldwide.
We see these visions as detailed outcomes for every aspect of the coordinated cooperative program, so that potential participants can manifest successes by reading these visions.
These outcomes are varied only by geographical area where they are implemented.
Our ebook, Saving Earth, goes into detail on these visions you just read.
Learn more about our system using a set of 3 cooperatives.