Worker Cooperative Technical Skills

Here’s a training e-book that gives you detailed information about the business side of cooperatives. This e-book covers topics not covered in cooperatives books elsewhere. We encourage you to begin your journey with this book. You see, it will help you to make initial decisions as to whether to form a cooperative or not with your colleagues.

Here’s the content:

1 In the Beginning: Training Personified

2 Preparing for Business – Planning from Visioning to Logic Models

3 Keeping the Doors Open with Marketing

4 Expansion - Allowing for More Customers

5 Preparing for Taxation – Accounting for Cooperatives

6 Supply Chain Ergonomics – Fair Trade Practices

7 Creation of Wealth from the Outside

8 Community Sharing via Mutual Supports

9 Listening to the Sound of Success

10 Purpose of Cooperatives in Governments’ Eyes – Legal Challenges Solved

11 Placement of Elements of Cooperatives in School Curricula

12 Apprenticeships in Cooperatives

13 Unionization within Cooperatives

14 Cooperatives Across Borders

15 International Development through Cooperatives Training Teams

16 Circulation of Money in Cooperative Settings

17 Reporting on Cooperatives’ Progress – Data Recovery Along the Way

18 Enhancement of Media Relations via Social Networks Using Cooperative Outlets

19 Creation of a New Cooperative Paradigm Worldwide within Democracies

20 Coordinating Cooperatives – A New Paradigm

Some community libraries carry this e-book (in over 20 countries) and you can read it for a time if you have a library card.
