Support Your Own Microbiome with Plants

It’s come to our attention that you fare better with raw vegetables and herbs than any other food group. Why is that?

Science tells us that the best way to grow and maintain health for children and adults is to eat your veggies and fruits and green herbs as much as possible. This is due to the support they give to the tiny microbes inside you and on you. They in turn support you in ways science is still finding out today.

It appears there is a web of brain tissue surrounding your entire digestive system – stomach, small intestines and then the large intestine (bowel). What on Earth is that brain tissue doing around your digestive system? Well, it appears they function just like traffic cops for the digested foods you eat that squeeze through your intestine walls. Once those nutrients get through the wall, they have to know where to go to do the best good for you.

Here’s where it gets really interesting. Those microbes seem to put on their computer headsets (not exactly, of course) and signal to your brain tissue exactly how to use those nutrients and where they should be sent. Which tissues’ cells need replacing because they aged out and aren’t working anymore? That’s where the nutrients go to help the working cells divide into new cells! And yes, they support the ones that are still working too, not just the young ones.

This matters because your body is made up of cells, lots and lots of cells that need nourishment to live, work and reproduce. That actually sounds like what humans need to do as well… live, work and reproduce.

Stay tuned for some news about today’s foods and how they affect certain types of microbes that are making people around the world obese.

Reference: The Microbiome, Harvard, T.H. Chan School of Public Health, The Nutrition Source

Carol Manetta

Executive Director of the nonprofit, Reap Goodness.

How Our Microbiome Makes Us Overweight


Canadian Permaculture Legacy (Part 2)