Humans Defacing Earth
It came to pass that humans on this planet had a need for architecture. With that in mind we see that housing for protection from the wild has been needed for millennia. As soon as humans came to rely on natural habitats, such as caves and even small curves in mountainsides, gathered that safe places could be made from natural resources. Piling of rocks and such became the precursors of human made bricks.
In places where those were not available, humans began piling and manipulating sticks that they found. As sharp objects were developed, they began to cut branches and tall grasses to form shapes that they felt were protective in nature. This allowed the human race to flourish in numbers. As they were protected, they could continue to outnumber their enemies in the animal world as well as other humans who were of unkind nature.
Developments and sophistication continued in terms of building dwellings. Next, as tools were developed, there were protective areas for development using tools. This pattern has continued even today. The use of natural resources for human development has accelerated in the last three centuries. With that development has come the overuse of natural resources. As we entered the chemical age, the destruction has continued in the form of pollutants and their disposal. These disposals come in the form of smokestack emissions, chemical dumping into rivers and streams, and burial of dangerous chemicals in various places on earth, whose leakages have gone into groundwater and further into Earth’s crust.
As we continue as the human race, we must undo the damages to the extent possible. We can do so rather quickly within the agricultural system. This is Reap Goodness’ quest. It may seem odd that a small nonprofit can have this kind of effect. But let’s note that training in electronic forms can travel at the speed of light. That’s pretty fast. The more humans turn toward food forestry, the faster we move away from chemically based agriculture, which occupies the vast majority of arable land throughout the world. It also allows for land repair by the uptake of bio-remedial microbes that have existed since the beginning of life on this planet. They are waiting…
We can turn waste land that has been harmed by deforestation and even chemical dumping by planting food forests for human consumption and animal support, and bio remedial spraying and then replanting with forests that provide building materials for homes and furniture. That which humans need first and foremost continuously is food. That is why Reap Goodness is starting at the greatest need. Won’t you join us?