
What exactly is it? Does it mean not loose? Does it mean just one lump of the same material?

Or does it mean getting together to accomplish a positive goal with all in agreement as equals?

Let’s try that last one. Taking responsibility is just as much fun as going out together on the town for a good time. It just needs the same goal that everyone agrees to and then the excitement builds, just like opening that door to the local tavern.

Imagining comes first. Dreaming of that common positive goal can uplift the heaviest heart, those who have little hope for a great future. It takes a spark of imagination to foresee what’s possible, and then enthusiasm for the outcome, communicated to those who catch the fire of positive, constructive thinking that anything is possible if planned well together. Ideas start to flow, and then details to support the ideas, and then the plan takes shape as action begins. The buzz of excitement can be felt in and around the group of participants as the outcome nears arrival.

At the end of the set of actions, all take pride in the temporary hard work, and shout out from within and with a yahoo out loud.

Almost better than a brewski.

Carol Manetta

Executive Director of the nonprofit, Reap Goodness.

Let’s get together


It’s time!