Simply Having Enough Food for All

Let’s begin at the beginning. That is, in the beginning, everyone had enough food. Plants were and still are a survival for animal species and humans. Just think of the number of different plant foods you eat every day. There are tens of thousands of edible plant foods for humans around the world.

Why not try a few new ones for a treat along with familiar ones? This way, all the flavors stored together in a salad, smoothie or hot side dish can be an adventurous treat. The good taste of so many different plant foods await you with open branches, so to speak.

Joining forces for good with the many plant tastes that await you help your taste buds with new adventures and will challenge even the tried and true farmers to stock up on these new plant foods for you. When they do that, the promise of having enough foods available goes up, and the nutrient mix with the new foods creates a healthier you.

In fact, the good nature of adventure keeps rotation of crops a certainty, and this in turn keeps the soil creating new nutrient availability from supporting the many microbes that will flock to the site of new sources of nutrition just for them. What a thought!

Carol Manetta

Executive Director of the nonprofit, Reap Goodness.

Jazzing Up Your Plate with Perennials

