Food Forest Volunteering

It’s a wonder when many people are food insecure that we as a society are fully able to support them without costs ongoing. That is, with volunteers bringing their talents forward to help in any way that they can to put together a public food forest come up we can feed each other with minimal cost. That cost takes place up front only. After that, the permaculture plants, bushes and trees will keep providing on into the future without any further costs.

Here in Sierra Vista, Arizona, we have seen such diligent work take place with a number of volunteers. We are preparing such a public food forest, and in doing so we have seen help over the last week from Ashley Dillard and her son, Elijah Law, in clearing brush at our existing site, Jutta Davis and Richard Krug in collection and depositing of collapsed cardboard boxes to suppress weeds, and much more.

Over the two years we have already spent in preparation for this wonderful public food forest, many more volunteers have supported this plan. From measuring the site, to attending vital planning meetings at our local library, and finding other volunteers to join them, we are grateful beyond measure for all their contributions. There are many more volunteers and contributions than can be mentioned in one single blog, and so we intend to write more of them in immense gratitude for all that’s been contributed and will be.


Carol Manetta

Executive Director of the nonprofit, Reap Goodness.

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