Feed the Birds or Die, All of Us

Were you aware of how many birds it takes to drop seeds and create new trees for our forests and other useful food plants worldwide?

Millions, every year in each country around the world.

Do you know how birds feed their young in the nest every day until they are old enough to fly on their own?


We have lost so many insects due to a variety of pesticides used for monoculture crops that birds have great difficulty feeding their young, leading to many bird deaths and a decrease in the natural and cultivated crops that feed us.

Instead of harming nature, it makes sense to support it by planting insect-supporting flowers and other plants so they can survive and thrive. This, in turn, supports the birds every day of their lives and that of their young ones in nests all around the world. This can be done in yards, by roadsides in ditches, and even in pots on your porch or as part of an outdoor stairwell.

It’s up to you as a citizen of Earth, along with the birds who are important citizens too. Feed them, and they feed you.

Carol Manetta

Executive Director of the nonprofit, Reap Goodness.


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