Less Work for More Results
Joining forces is a snap of the finger. From now on the best inside each of us has the ability to form a chain so to speak for getting things done in a hurry. By this we mean that as the Earth needs our work to be done in a hurry, simple tasks are made much easier if we do them together. It's more effective and less work for everyone who is involved.
Right now the Earth is in trouble. We can't think of a better time to join forces now for the best in each of us to come together and get things done. A shift in the thinking from all of man for himself to one of the nature of working together in groups of equals. They may only be together for a short period of time, but much can be accomplished by coming together as one for one purpose and that is to repair the Earth.
If you hear the sound of birds in the morning, today you are fortunate. There was a time not too long ago when this was normal and profuse. Instead, The little birds have disappeared in droves. Yes, we can do something about this right now. We can get together in small groups and plant a tree here and there that is appropriate for wherever you live on the planet Earth. It's simple, really, when you think about it. Get together with a small group of friends and have at it!